Excitement Nats '04

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Excitement Nationals 1-3 May 2004

Shakespeare County Raceway



OA 2       Pete Ashworth


OA 1       Paul Hensher


OA 590   Aidan Kenny


OA14      Ian Norman


OA298    Steve Wells


OA 11     Paul Wright


This meeting was plagued by more than a few instances of the wet stuff, meaning we only had 1 qualifying session in 3 whole days !

  1. OA 2      Pete Ashworth       9.07/146 mph

  2. OA298  Steve Wells             9.78/133 mph

  3. OA 1      Paul Hensher          9.94/136mph

  4. OA590  Aidan Kenny          11.54/116 mph

  5. OA14     Ian Norman            14.15/83 mph

  6. OA11     Paul Wright            16.92/40 mph

Ian Norman & Paul Wright were both starting their licensing observed passes.

Congratulations to Pete for bagging the no.1 spot

Congratulations to Steve Wells for the quickest Reaction time of the meeting. A new prize for 2004 from our championship sponsor Real Steel.